Pearl’s Corner is located within The Shops at Heneghan’s Run just up the stairs from Drifting Grounds Coffee Shop.

Hours: Thursday - Sunday 10am to 4pm (off season) Summer hours will be posted soon.

Pearl’s Corner is owned by Erin Dresler-Looper and Christian Heneghan. Although it is mostly Erin’s love of vintage clothing that started this little “Jem”, Christian does find all her “findings” mostly interesting. The shop is primarily manned by Erin & Pearl, but gets a lot of help from two Aunts, Christina & Angela Bartolomeo. They also fill the store with their amazing finds and personal creations. Many of the artwork on the walls, pillows, and restored wood items are created by Angela.

Who is Pearl? Pearl is the new addition to the DresLooHene household. She is a Beagle/AustralianShepard/Poodle puppy they adopted in June 2022. After having her for almost a month with no name, Christian came home after spending time with their niece Zora…. Zora Pearl Heneghan. He’d decided Pearl would make a good name for the new puppy and Erin thought, “Pearl’s Corner!”

Pearl’s Corner is a bit vintage, a little retro, lots of gently loved items, and packed full of character! Filled with many fun and eclectic items. Erin spends a lot of time searching, cleaning, mending, washing, steaming, and stocking items. Pearl’s Corner is not a consignment shop, and not a thrift store. We are a small business that finds unique items that bring joy to your heart.

online shopping coming soon at: